Gateway University® a School for the Study of Higher Consciousness was founded in 1981 by Rev. Dr. Judith Larkin Reno, Ph.D. It received non-profit incorporation in 1985 as Gateway Community℠, a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt organization which directs Gateway University®, a School for the Study of Higher Consciousness engaging in private, postsecondary, distance learning religious/spiritual education. Our degrees are awarded in regard to professional work done in relation to teaching and counseling, directly or indirectly associated with coursework of our university ecosystem and falls under the jurisdiction of private postsecondary education.
Graduates have the legal right to use degree titles and ministerial ordination credentials awarded with all rights and responsibilities. The curriculum includes a synthesis of holistic, metaphysical, transcendent, esoteric, transpersonal, spiritual, consciousness, psychical, psychological, and mystical lessons blended masterfully together. Gateway showcases a panoply of practical enlightenment skills. Each student has the direct experience of soul. Soul-centered education is not an abstract concept in Gateway University®, it is a lived experience. These lessons can be applied in practical ways to improve individual lives, society, and humanity.
As one of the first universities in the nation to offer studies in higher consciousness, Gateway University® is a global leader. Far ahead of other educational institutions, Gateway University® from its inception has offered student-centered and soul-centered education.
Accreditation is a complex topic and is not yet available for institutions that are purely spiritual/ religious with no subject matter pertaining to other areas of education such as math, sciences, and humanities, unrelated to consciousness studies. As a benefit, students can complete bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees including ministerial ordination with their entire focus on their vision and mission of service.